New Epsilon Interview Question 2024,Epsilon Interview Experience

Here in this post we discuss the overall  Epsilon Interview Experience gfg .Here in this posts we cover Epsilon Bangalore Interview Experience, Epsilon Frequently asked Interview Question 2024 and also we give details/guidance so that you can crack Epsilon Interview Bangalore.

Below we share overall Interview Experience shared by some of the NIT/IIT students.Before going for any Interview you need to go through the company details and some of company’s facts and figures. Here we give you a brief about the company and  you can Visit Epsilon careers page for more details.


about epsilon company

The leader in outcome-based marketing, Epsilon has more than 50 years of experience providing the world’s top brands, agencies and publishers with award-winning data and technology. We enable marketing that’s built on proof, not promises™, across a suite of modular products spanning CRM, digital media, loyalty and email. Epsilon is positioned at the core of Publicis Groupe’s operations around the world.Marketing data, Marketing technology, Insight & strategy, Creative services, Loyalty marketing, Email & digital messaging, Customer acquisition & retention, Digital, Relationship marketing, Omnichannel & cross-channel marketing, and Offline & experiential marketing.


New Epsilon Interview Question 2024,Epsilon Interview Experience

EXCERPTS FROM STUDENT 1    epsilon interview experience

BRANCH: Mathematical and Computational Sciences

JOB PROFILE: Associate software engineer


Epsilon Interview Experience /   Epsilon Bangalore Interview Questions

online test-(platform-mettl) which consist 2 sections,first was mcqs around 20-30, topics were c,c++,java,ds,mysql and the second one had three codes which were easy to medium level based on string and array and in random order for each person. in the interviews there were 4 rounds(3 technical + 1 HR)

1st round– they started with basics of DS(what is DS,QUEUE and TREE),OS,OOPs concepts,dbms, code to find an element in a Binary tree and one sql query to search the second highest salary. then he asked me “Do you have any question ??” REMEMBER don’t lose this opportunity,basically the interviewers asks this question to check your interest in their company. tip-ask atleast one or two good questions.

2nd round- the very first question was “tell me something about your self”, OOPs concepts like inheritence,class and object,polymorphism,friend function in c++.,a coding question to find the longest palindromic substring,i started with brute-force and then he asked me to improve the efficiency and also gave me a hint but he got the approach so he stopped me.after that he asked me where and why which language is better between c++ and java.

3rd round– it was again a technical interview.the interviewer started with basics of java like collection(hashmap,set),OOPs,what is jvm and jdk,again comparison between c++ and java,oops in c++ vs oops in java i told him that i prefer c++ for coding and java for OOPs the last he asked “do you have any question for us” and I asked.

4rth round(HR)- this round started with my introduction,then he asked about my less percentage in graduation,why nitk,about IGNITE(because i mentioned in my resume that i have worked as the head of designing team in IGNITE). then he asked about one of my project and further improvements on that project. then as the last question he asked “do you have any question for us” and i asked him questions like what will be the roll of a fresher in your company and about the technologies on which there company is currrently working.


c in depth for C,geeks for C++,karumanchi for DS(basics to concepts of advanced DS(like-avl,redblack tree,b-tree,b+ tree,DP,trie,graph)),OS and DBMS-sanchit jain and geeks,geeks for networking, hackerrank,geeksforgeeks,hackerearth,leetcode for coding practice, RS agrawal for aptitute. interview bit for MCQs practice. Durgasoft notes for java (specially for OOPs),daily competitive coding practice (but no need to do for 6-8 hours daily because you have to prepare your self in all rounder way and other subjects also have equal importance).

Basic knowledge of java,dbms and DS. Make sure you must have atleast 2 good projects (it will be good if you have atleast one database management based project).




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Amdocs Recruitment process , Amdocs Interview Questions


epsilon interview questions for freshers


BRANCH: Mathematical and Computational Sciences

JOB PROFILE: Associate software engineer


Epsilon Interview Experience /   Epsilon Bangalore Interview Questions

Online Coding Round : Online test on mettl platform, 3 coding questions, C, C++ related questions, aptitude questions.

Interviews: 1st Round : It was more project centric, they asked more questions about the work that I did in my previous internships and the technology stack that I used for my personal projects.

2nd Round: It was more manegrical and bit of questions about the technologies that I used for my projects or during my internships.

3rd Round: Technical round, asked few problem solving questions, i wasn’t able to give the most optimal solution but came up with a solution and they were okay with it.

4th Round: HR Round.


Start with competitive coding as soon as possible, one can follow websites like geeksforgeeks, interviewbit, hackerrank, codechef. (I followed the first 3). Be healthy, be it placement session or the summer break before the placement session, make sure you pay attention to your health both mental and physical.

Most of the companies as for Aptitude and Reasoning in initial round, prepare for that as well but it won’t take that much time, you can follow indiabix, RS Aggarwal book for the same. Mock interviews are very important, form a group of 2 or 3(max) and help each other out, it will help you a lot, you can ask your seniors or placed peers for help regarding the same. Initial rounds are really important and mainly focus on competitive coding, aptitude and reasoning, make sure you make it to the interviews. Make sure you are familiar with every single line on your resume.

Projects are really important, before interviews, go through your project report or any sort of documentation that you have for your project and read about the latest updates in technologies that you used in your project. Get used to white board coding, most of the companies ask you to write code on paper during technical interviews.

Make sure you know everything that is mentioned on your resume. The Projects that you have mentioned on you resume are really important, make sure you have in depth knowledge about what your project does. Do check the latest updates in the technology that you used during your projects.

epsilon interview experience ,epsilon bangalore



Wells Fargo Interview Experience

Amdocs Recruitment process , Amdocs Interview Questions


BRANCH: Mathematical and Computational Sciences

JOB PROFILE: Associate software engineer


Epsilon Interview Experience /   Epsilon Bangalore Interview Questions

There were 4 Sections. 1 Coding Question(Medium) in Epsilon Recruitment Process Technical MCQ(Some AWS and Apache Kafka questions were also there), Aptitude, reasoning.

Round 1:firstly she asked me about yourself and the technologies you have worked on ? She asked almost every major concept of OOPS, One Simple SQL Query on Inner Join, basics of sorting and which sorting algorithms is best, Linked list and array and how they occupies memory, type of LinkedList, Basic Coding questions, then she asked about the project which I did during my internship as well the project I did in college.then she asked one puzzle. In the end, she asked if I had any questions? I asked a few.

Round 2: it was a technical + managerial round, He asked do you know what epsilon actually does? I explained whatever they told in their presentation.then he briefly explained what epsilon do and their competitor and their customers. then asked me to explain any of my projects and some cross-question on the project.then he asked how you will design a website that will have an India map and COVID patients stats in it? and when you will zoom on a particular state it will show the patients count in that state and similarly for a particular city. (similar to I explained the approach and also SDLC for this project. He was mainly concerned about how you will approach a problem and plan the whole project like collecting the requirement and choosing the best technologies for it, and further dividing the tasks in a team, and providing updates later.

Round 3: This round was also a technical round and he asked some behavioral questions as well. first deep discussion on my project. Afterwards he asked some data structure and algorithms questions. one computer networking question was also asked. Then he asked suppose you are an architect and I have some land and I want to build a house on it. what questions will you ask me ? He was mainly checking how I will plan a project and handle a client. then he asked what makes you a suitable candidate for this role? and why should I hire you? I answered. He also asked what all subjects are there in your curriculum and I also mentioned a Java project on which I am currently working. Then he asked if I had a question to ask? I asked a few.

Round 4: it was an HR round. Firstly he asked introduce yourself? and then he asked what you all have understood about epsilon till now. I answered. After that he asked why I switched from chemistry to computer science? and my family background, hobbies, strength weakness, etc. and he asked what you expect from epsilon and what technologies you want to learn in the future?. I mentioned some technologies that epsilon uses.then he asked about the situation when I faced difficulty and how I overcome it? I explained two situations, one was related to a project and another one related to my life


For Coding: Interviewbit(in last days), LeetCode, and GeeksforGeeks, HackerEarth, Hackerrank(beginning). For theory: I followed Ravindra babu lectures on OS and DBMS and used javatpoint as reference website. In last days revised concepts from Javatpoint.

Be strong with your projects and management skills and you must have a good grip on DS and algorithms, and revise concepts of OS, DBMS, Networking.


epsilon key to success,crack epsilon


BRANCH: Information Technology

JOB PROFILE: Developer


Epsilon Interview Experience /   Epsilon Bangalore Interview Questions

First round : Online Test which tests your Aptitude,coding skills and Technical questions. Aptitude questions are moderate and coding question too whereas in the technical section they checked the knowledge of some technologies like aws. (Dont worry if u dont know it ) and there were also questions on frontend and backend like Html ,CSS,Rest API ,Java and database queries. After the Online Assessment they shortlisted 45 candidates for interview process.

There were 4 rounds . I am sharing my experience in these rounds.

Round1 – Simple coding questions were asked like finding duplicate elements, OOPS concepts (explain with real life examples), sorting techniques(best sorting algorithm for large amount of data) and a puzzle.

Round2 – here the interviewer was very friendly and explained about the work at epsilon and how the online data is used and analysed and so on. He then asked about my projects and whats the reason of chosing it and its applications.

Round 3 : Interviewer again focused on my projects like the design strategy and the approach towards the problem HR Round – A friendly chat and general HR questions.


Confidence is the key , and make sure your basics are strong and coming to coding a moderate level questions are asked so prepare according to that,Know your projects and know the reason of doing the projects and its applications. Remember that the interview process is long so the struggle is at both ends , make sure your answers are unique (by providing lively examples) which makes the conversation good and you will be noted.

For coding referred Geeks for Geeks and practiced on leetcode.


interview experience 2021



BRANCH: Computer Science Engineering

JOB PROFILE: Developer


Epsilon Interview Experience /   Epsilon Bangalore Interview Questions

1st Round Of EPSILON 

Aptitude, 1 Coding Question (Level Easy), Technical MCQ (Algorithms, JAVA, UNIX, HTML5)). The technical MCQ had more weightage here.

2nd Tech Round:- 1 Of EPSILON

Some basic questions on OS, DS, Algo. 2. Some questions on projects after you explain them. 3. C Puzzle – How would you return the string “Even” and “Odd” from a C function determined using a given number as input, the catch here is not to use any conditional statements inside the function. 4. A variant of this puzzle 3rd Tech Round:- 1. How would you generate prime numbers efficiently? 2. Program to find GCD of 2 numbers? Its Complexity (Time and Space)? 3. Question’s On the project. 4th Tech Round:- 1.

 Epsilon SQL Questions. 2. What are Views? What are the triggers, constraints? Why do we need views? 3. What are indexes? He gave me a table and told me If I create an index on this column how the index will be stored? If I updated the data, how the index will affect. 4. Interviewer gave me a scenario where he has 1 million rows in a table, how would you load this data onto the web browser as a table, where the user can scroll without and lag? 5. He was adding additional functionality to the above question like random seek, sorting on a particular column when the user has scrolled, implementing filters. 5. Questions on Projects. 6. What are your hobbies, Interests?

HR Round:- 1 Of EPSILON

Why do you want to join Epsilon ? 2. What is your goal in the next 5 years? 3. Do you like working in a Team or alone and why? 4. Apart from computer science what are your interests and achievements?


Coding from geeksforgeeks, hackerrank, hackerearth, leetcode, Interviewbit. OOPS – Saurav Shukla DBMS – Gate smashers, Sanchit Jain lectures OS – Gate smashers, Sanchit Jain DP – Aditya Verma lectures on youtube Data structures and Algorithms – geeksforgeeks SQL Queries practice – HackerRank, SQLZoo, W3Schools Aptitude from R.S. Agrawal and Indiabix End time revision from javatpoint.Be good at system design part along with good knowledge of your projects, DS and Algorithm, OS, OOPS (in depth) and DBMS


epsilon coding interview


Above we discussed Epsilon Interview Experience 2024  and Epsilon Interview Questions 2024.Hope this give a overall idea of Epsilon Recruitment Process.If you liked it do check your Interview Question Sections for more Interview Questions of Different Product and Service based company.



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Epsilon interview experience

Question 1

In a garden, there are several apples trees planted in a grid format. Each point (i,j) in the grid has |i| + |j| apples.

Allie can buy a square plot centred at (0,0). Find the minimum perimeter of the plot (1 unit having length = 1) such that she can collect at
least X apples. All plants on the perimeter of the plot are also included.

Sample:Input = 1 Output = 8
input = 11 Output = 8
Input = 13 Output = 16

Question 2 :  VISIT HERE
Question 3 .Finding max depth of nested parentheses 
Question 3:Creating a tree from preorder and inorder arrays and finding height




Wells Fargo Interview Experience

Amdocs Recruitment process , Amdocs Interview Questions


What is the interview process at Epsilon Bangalore?

The Interview process varies year to year ,during 2020 the process was like , you will have a mostly 4 rounds  (max)that are:

  1. online test-(platform-mettl) which consist 2 sections,first was mcqs around 20-30.
  2. 1st round- they started with basics of DS(what is DS,QUEUE and TREE),OS,OOPs concepts,dbms e.t.c
  3. 3rd round – more concepts on oops ,puzzles,DS (this time difficulty =medium to tough),os e.t.c
  4. 4th round- is HR round , mainly related to company and why you want to join (typical HR questions) interview questions

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