Do you Know Father of All the Computer Related Things?

In this post we cover all the father of computer related things ,everyone is running behind placements , jobs, interviews but we overlook this basic things that we should hence this post.  

Father of table:

code resources

Father of

  • World Wide Web

  • Video game industry

  • Super Computer

  • Search engine

  • Robotics

  • QWERTY Keyboard

  • Personal computer

  • Pentium microprocessor

  • Nanotechnology

  • Modern Linguistics

  • Mobile Phone

  • Microprocessor

  • Laptop

  • Internet

  • Free Software Foundation

  • Cybernetics

  • Computer science

  • Computer program

  • Computer

  • Compiler

  • Assembler


  • Tim Berners-Lee

  • Nolan Bushnell

  • Seymour Cray

  • Alan Emtage

  • Al-Jazari

  • Christopher Latham Sholes

  • Chuck Peddle

  • Vinod Dham

  • Richard Smalley

  • Noam Chomsky

  • Martin Cooper

  • Marcian Hoff,Masatoshi Shima

  • Bill Moggridge

  • Vint Cerf

  • Richard Stallman

  • Norbert Wiener

  • Alan Turing,George Boole

  • Ada Lovelace

  • Charles Babbage

  • John Backus

  • Ada Lovelace


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