New Arcesium Interview Questions 2021,Arcesium Software Developer Interview Question 2021

Here in this post we discuss Frequently asked  Arcesium Interview Questions . Here in this post we cover Arcesium Interview Experience , Arcesium  Frequently asked Interview Questions 2021, Arcesium Coding Questions and also we give details/guidance so that you can crack Arcesium Interview .

Arcesium India Interview Question 2021



Arcesium indian interview questions

Arcesium is a technology and a software-enabled services company. Arcesium deliver front, middle, and back-office solutions to some of the world’s most sophisticated institutional asset managers, hedge funds, asset allocators, and banks. Through a combination of advanced automation, innovative data management tools, and anomaly-resolution workflows, Arcesium’s clients can achieve a single source of truth, scalable to millions of data points, for use throughout their entire organization.


HERE BELOW WE HAVE GIVEN COMPLETE DETAILS OF  Arcesium Interview Questions ,Arcesium Interview Experience PROVIDE BY THE STUDENTS WHO HAVE GIVEN INTERVIEW AND WAS SELECTED BY THE COMPANY.You can visit Arcesium CAREERS page for more information about them.


STUDENT 1 Arcesium Interview                                                              Arcesium Interview question

JOB PROFILE: Software Developer


1st round Arcesium Interview : is of online competition which consists of aptitude, technical questions and 2 Coding question. 

2nd Round Arcesium Interview : He asked two questions find number of island in a grid and optimize it and then find total no. of unique shape island. 

3rd round  Arcesium Interview: Two people were there one asked me about ACID property and design schema for shopping mart, one coding question that in a grid you start from top left and top right traverse till bottom left and bottom right respectively and you can go to column -1,0,1 then find max sum of both traversal 

4th round  Arcesium Interview : He start with my project then asked about oops concept and implement them then one linked list question and code it, virtual memory and in this page fault replacement, demand paging,virtual function- abstract class-interface-pure virtual function implementation of all these. 

5th round Arcesium Interview :  This was HR round she asked me about my resume achievements and why you want to join this company?


STUDENT  2 Arcesium Interview                            ARCESIUM INTERVIEW QUESTIONS

JOB PROFILE: Software Developer


The coding test consisted of General Aptitude, CS Theory(lot of Java OOPS, didn’t get most of it) and Coding Questions(1 DP, 1 Backtracking).

 Interviews consisted of 3 technical + 1 HR round. Each technical round was exactly 1 hour long and consisted of 1 DSA question(Basic ones for first 2 rounds, tricky for the 3rd) along with questions from across DBMS, OS, OOPS and also C and C++ for me as I mentioned them in my resume. Also, across all rounds they asked about projects from my resume and the concepts I mentioned in it. 
The final HR round was a 15-minute discussion based on my resume. 2 hours later the results were declared.





1st round (Online Test) : There were MCQs based onQuantitative Aptitude and Computer Science subjects. The Quantitative section was really tough. There were two coding questions of medium-hard type.

2nd round (Technical Interview) : They started with myintroduction. After that, They gave me a problem on DS which i found difficult to some extent. So, I gave them the O(n^2) approach. They gave me another problem based on strings and arrays. Make a largest number from the numbers given in an array. You can find the problem here I gave them the solution which was based on comparison based sorting. They asked the difference between map and unordered -map. 

3rd round (Technical Interview) : They asked a problem based on tree. Find the root of the subtree in a tree giving the maximum sum. Firstly, they asked me on positive numbers, after that they include the negative numbers as well. Take care of the edge cases.

Move forward, another interviewer gave me the schema on Songs and Users and asked me to create a schema User_Playlists by using two schema provided above. I did that. After that, they asked me to normalize it. And they asked lot of questions on that created schema. They gave me a query as well. It was overall an interesting round.

 4th round (Technical Interview) : They started the round by asking me to create a Book My Show kind of design by using classes and objects ( You can implement your logic in any language you prefer) I did that in c++.

The most important thing to keep in mind in this round is to discuss with your interviewer everything or every possible scenarios, you are thinking. Try to start with the basic design. After that, include more functionalities if the interviewer asked you to do so. In my design, I was using various OOP concepts ( Inheritance, Encapsulation). So, they asked a lot of questions on OOP concepts. Read it and try to practice it. Next, they asked me a lot of questions on OS (Virtual memory, Paging,Virtual computations,Thrashing). 

5th round (HR) : They started with my introduction. After, they asked questions based on my Resume (Especially, they focused on my achievement section). Make sure everything you mention there is correct. Overall, It was a short round.




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STUDENT  2 Arcesium Interview 



Online Round: It had three sections 1) Quantitative Aptitude 2) Technical Aptitude (consisting MCQs on DS, output tracing) 3) Coding. The first two sections had negative marking. The time provided for each section is less and can be rolled over. My advice would be to attempt a few questions from the first two sections and try to save as much time for the coding section as possible. 

Round 1: The interview began with my introduction and then proceeded to the in-depth discussion on one of my projects. He asked me questions to better understand my project. I did a project on reinforcement learning. He asked me about the activation function used and other hyperparameters. After around 20 minutes of discussion on the project.

He then asked me about encapsulation, data hiding and abstraction and whether I have used OOPs in any of my projects. I had done an android project so I explained with its context. He asked me where we use abstractions (abstract classes) and why? After a thorough discussion, he shifted to Arcesium DSA interview quesion  and asked me a tree question.

Connect siblings on a tree. I gave a BFS approach. He further asked me if DFS could be used to which I gave him a DFS solution he then asked me out of three traversals which would be the best suited for this question. Couldn’t answer this one. Then we had a detailed discussion on DFS and BFS and when to use one over the another. He then asked me to code the solution on paper. I did that.

He checked the syntax and asked me a few clarifying questions. Then he asked me if I could write a recursive BFS, I hesistated so he asked me whether every iterative code can be converted to recursive and then asked me how to decide which one to prefer.

 Round 2: The panel consisted of two interviewers. They scanned my resume, then asked me in brief about my projects. Then they asked me the classic area in a histogram problem to which I gave them the linear time and space approach, they motivated me to give a better solution, then with some assistance, I came up with the two-pointer solution.

Arcesium OS Interview Question They asked OS next. What is semaphore, dining philosopher problem. Asked me to code it. I gave the standard solution which suffers from deadlock then they asked me the ways to remove the deadlock. They asked me about the stack and heap section. Difference between process and thread. They asked me about runtime polymorphism and how compiler decides which function to call, they wanted me to explain the concept of vtable and vptr with code. Asked me another problem on merging k sorted lists. 

Round 3: The interviewer scanned my resume and then asked me how would I rate myself on DBMS, I wasn’t confident about DBMS so I rated myself a 7 and told him that I don’t remember the syntax of SQL.

Arcesium Interview questions  (DBMS)He then asked me how the database is stored in memory, what are indexes? why indexes are used? disadvantages of indexes. Then he gave me two code snippets and asked me to calculate the time complexities. I told him verbally but he wanted me to derive those so I used the recurrence tree to derive mathematically.

He asked me to design snake and ladders, what all classes would be used what OOP principles would I be using. He asked me this question to assess my understanding of design patterns. I started with a basic design and as we discussed we were able to come up with a better design. He asked me how the board would be initialized and other questions.

Throughout the discussion, he was pushing me towards the factory design pattern. I told him that I know about the pattern but I have never implemented the same. So he helped me to write the code. He then asked me two puzzles [1] Cut a cake into 8 pieces with 3 cuts [2] Count number of squares on a chessboard. 

HR discussion: This was a simple discussion with the hr. He was clearing my doubts



JOB PROFILE: Software Developer


Arcesium Interview Experience /Arcesium  INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 2021 (1ST,2ND, 3RD,4TH,HR)

Online written test: This round consisted of two sections. Section 1 consists of approx 20 aptitude questions and 20 technical questions. The total time provided to solve these are 30 to 40 minutes. The aptitude questions are quite lengthy and difficult, so check out all the questions before attempting to solve them, as you might easily miss an easy one and end up failing on the harder problems faced in the beginning.
Doing 10-12 out of the total 40 questions was good enough in our test. There was negative marking, so you’ll have to keep that in mind. Section 2 consists of 2 coding questions that were of average difficulty and to be solved in 45 minutes.

Arcesium  INTERVIEW Coding Questions

1. You are given an array of integers. You have to find the maximum of each subsets of all possible subsets and calculate the product of all those maximums and output the answer with mod 10^9+7.

Hint: Sort the array 2. You are given a string S and a list of character pairs say [x1,y1], [x2,y2], so on. Replace a character x1 in S with y1 and y1 with x1 throughout the string. Repeat the operation for all given pairs in sequence and output the final resulting string. Hint: Generate an array denoting 26 characters. Make all exchanges inside that array. And then replace the characters in S in one pass. Complexity: O(26*(Number of pairs) + (Length of S)) From approx 120 people, 15 were shortlisted.

Interview: Every round was an elimination round. This consisted of 3 rounds.
Round 1 of Arcesium interview : The interviewer asked me to introduce myself and directly moved towards concepts of OS. Questions asked were from Virtual Memory, Paging, Demand Paging, Thrashing, and Page Replacement algorithms.
They asked me to write the pseudocode for Most Recently Used algorithm and asked me to explain the data structure I used to solve it and what could be the challenges in using MRU. Coding question: Given unsorted array, find two numbers that add up to a given sum. Extend that to finding 3 numbers.
Round 2 of Arcesium interview : This round started with explaination of project and the detailed reasoning/explaining in how the objective was achieved, with all the technical details. The interviewer modified the initial conditions(or data) of my project and asked me if and how this can be solved.
For example, if you have a machine learning project and you are using a well known dataset, imagine what if the dataset was not labelled, or labelled using a different metric, therefore how would you tackle that problem and give similar result like that in your project.
Arcesium INTERVIEW Coding question:

Given a grid having NxN you are to traverse in two routes: One from the bottom left cell to the top right cell, another from the bottom right to top left cell. Constraint: The paths traverse horizontally or vertically across the cells. These two paths should intersect in one and only one cell. Objective: Calculate the maximum length path that can be traversed collectively by both.

Eg. for 5×5, answer is 23.

Hint: Divide and conquer approach, for 4 areas on the grid around the intersecting cell. Coding question: Equilibrium index of an array from Geeksforgeeks.

Round 3 of Arcesium interview : There are two tables in a database, Donors and Receivers. Attributes are Name, BloodType and Amount, in both the tables. Write an SQL that calculates the deficiency of blood that is required for each blood group, based on the difference between Receivers(Demand) and Donors(Supply) of each blood group.
Arcesium Coding question: Given an a tournament among N players where everyone plays with everyone, and a match always has a winner, and there is NO cycle, like [A beats B, B beats C, C beats A], find an ordering of the players such that a player is definitely beaten by someone among the people standing in front of him.
HR Round: The HR round was just a formality as I had mentioned that I had some questions that I would like to discuss with the HR. It was mainly about whether a knowledge in finance is a prerequisite for this job. They would be training us to have technical knowhow of the terms used in their business, once we join the company. That’s all.


You generally need good DSA understanding to clear the coding tests and interviews for ARCESIUM   INTERVIEW  Competitive Programming can help a lot here, though I personally preferred InterviewBit and LeetCode for this(either one should suffice).
However, when using these, be sure to impose time limits on yourself as this plays a role in the coding rounds. Additionally, for most companies you will need to be good with OS, DBMS, OOPS and your resume. Keep a clear head and treat the interviews as an interaction instead of a do-or-die test.
Lastly, I’d personally say don’t spend time or energy over-analyzing your competition or the system itself.
Mainly focus on solving Data Structure related problems from Interviewbit or Geeksforgeeks or Leetcode, etc. Prepare OOPS in an application based way, not just definitions from books. Prepare aptitude if you feel you’re weak in it. Not necessary though.
Prepare CS subjects like OS, Networks and DBMS as they are important for almost every IT company interview.
If you are a fresher, then Coding, OOPS, and CS Subjects are must. If you have prior experience in industry, then Projects might matter more. All in all, they search for candidates with practical knowledge of CS, like real world project scenarios in OOPS and Data Structures.


  1. Max Product – Given an array with distinct integer. Find the product of max element in all the sub-array.
  2. Troop of Cats: Cat need to cross the tunnel as fast as possible. A cat can cross tunnel on its own and can cross with carrying other cat on her back. Given time to cross tunnel individually and with cat on her back. Find the minimum time to cross all cat from the tunnel
  5. Given two positive integers X and Y and an array arr[] consisting of N positive integers such that arr[i] represents the height of the ith person and there is a tunnel of height H, the task is to find the total minimum cost required to pass all the N persons through the given tunnel such at most two-person whose sum of heights is less than H can pass at a time according to the following rules:
    • When two person passes through the tunnel at a time, then the cost is Y.
    • When one person passes through the tunnel at a time, then the cost is X.

    Note: All array elements are less than H. Examples: Input: arr[] = {1, 3, 4, 4, 2}, X = 4, Y = 6, H = 9 Output: 16 Explanation: Consider the passing of persons according to the below order:

    1. Person 1 and Person 4 having heights 1 and 4 respectively has the sum of heights as 1 + 4 = 5 < H(= 9). Therefore, the cost for this operation is Y(= 6).
    2. Person 2 and Person 3 having heights 3 and 4 respectively has the sum of heights as 3 + 4 = 7 < H(= 9). Therefore, the cost for this operation is Y(= 6).
    3. Person 5 has height 3 which is less than H(= 9). Therefore, the cost for this operation is is X( = 4).

    Therefore, the total cost is 6 + 6 + 4 = 16, which is minimum among all possible combinations.

    Input: arr[] = {1, 3, 4}, X = 4, Y = 6, H = 9 Output: 10





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Amdocs Recruitment process , Amdocs Interview Questions


Above we have summarise Arcesium Interview Questions , Arcesium coding Questions .Hope this post helps and boosts your preparation for Arcesium Interview 2021/Arcesium Software Developer Interview .Feel free to ask your doubts in the comment section.Visit Interview Question category for More Questions.



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